Thursday 19 January 2012

Numbers and Stars and Chains and Leather.

Not a lot has happened since my last post, because unfortunately I don't actually have much of a life.
It's about four weeks until I make the big move to Auckland and about five weeks until my first day of university EVER. Super scary/awesome/exciting/disgusting. Basically my plans for now are to write lots of lists and watch lots of Harry Potter. Oh, and, start to teach myself about Numerology, Astrology and Crystal Healing.
I never really looked very far into it, and I think that probably has a lot to do with my parents (and myself, at one point) being very strong Christians. Now I don't necessarily believe in any of it yet, but I don't see the harm in educating myself as I find it all very interesting. So far I discovered my Life Path number, Destiny number and Personal year number which all seemed to put me down to a T. Astrology really interests me because we are essentially all children of the earth, regardless of how you believe we got here, and it only seems a little logical that the moon and the stars and the planets have some effect on us. I don't know, I'm yet to be completely convinced! Though I got a big fat horoscope for the year and it proved pretty insightful. As for crystals, this has been something I have been interested for a long long time and crystals are beautiful so nobody loses. I believe religion is a product of fear, and I don't think it's all that necessary. But stars and planets and crystals are pretty, and there's just something about numbers. One of the only things in the world that doesn't lie, just makes perfect sense.
Anywayy the other day I went shopping with my best friends and snatched up these INSANELY COOL spurs. They were $10 for the pair and I got them from an opshop.
And as a matter of fact, the boots I put them on were $5 from the same opshop weeeheyyyy! I did put them on my docs originally but they are navy and they looked pretty silly with my starry laces. I also got the dress I am wearing (cause you can totally see it/not at all)

but I don't know if I like it. Peter Pan collars are getting a bit eugh. P.S. Why is it that the two things I made for my portfolio in like September are fucking eeeeverywhere now?! Peter Pan collars & uneven hemlines. Tut tut tut.
Anyway, I'm gonna go back to geeking my guts out and doing Harry Potter fan art. If you have gotten this far, thankyou for reading my babbling bullshit!
S-s-s-s-s-staaaayyy gross.
Just some vanity to keep up my title of 'The most narcissistic person ever' <3

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