Friday 20 April 2012


I’m the worlds worst real person blogger ever.
So I’m a ~fashion student~ now, it’s fun and horrible. Uni is a cesspool of stress paper and threads. And rulers. Freakin rulers. They are like 50 bucks each and you need like 100. However I have just had my first official uni break, which basically means they give you two weeks off and give you a ridiculous amount of things to do in those two weeks. I’ll stop complaining though, I’m very lucky to have got accepted and to have such awesome parents that are supporting me (emotionally anddd financially..) thanks ma and pa!

SO, I have completed two dresses now. One is this cutesy Scottish numero that started off as being a tee shirt shift dress and ended up beinggg this:

The other, is this weird kinda tinkerbell-got-into-witchcraft thanggg:
P.S. That mannequin you see there, yeah that’s MINE. Her name is Ursula.
I don’t really have a fully developed style or signature (as you can tell) but I guess I wont really know until I’m further into it.

It’s hard, having to rely on your own ability to be consistently creative. Boy it’s challenging but boy it is rewarding. 
We’re starting pants soon, SO excited. They are notoriously difficult but pants are so fun.

SO. All university things aside, here’s a teeny update on my scandalous personal life.
I don’t party really anymore, It’s too expensive and I don’t have time. I have a manfriend! His name is Levi and he is far too good for me on every possible level but he hasn’t figured that out yet so I’ll be enjoying it until then. And I got fat. Which is depressing. But go figure. DIET ON. Untill next time… STAY GROSS

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